Bury Indoor Bowls League
All the details can be found at the top of the menu to the left in a link to the Leagues information! i.e. under 'Bury Indoor League'
See 'Bury Indoor League' link at the top of the menu to your left for this last season's information!
Venue: Castle Leisure Centre, Bolton St, Bury, BL9 0EZ
Format: Long mat - two divisions of approx 10 teams
Season: Over the winter - October to March
Days: One Pairs match per week alternating between Thursdays and Fridays plus Triples matches once a fortnight
Match Time: One hour per match (between 9.30am and 3.30pm)
Team size: Four players for Pairs and three for Triples
'Squad' size: 12 registered players per team – maximum!
Suggest approximately 5 or 6 regular players per team (to cover reserves) or
8 players per team with four playing Thursdays and four on Fridays - it's your choice!
Bowls: Indoor bowls only (no crown green) using your own or free hire from Leisure Centre
Footwear: Flat non-black soled, without heels or excessive patterning and should not be worn outside thebuilding.
Bare feet are not permitted. House slippers are O.K.
Annual fee: £30.00 per team
Match fee: £3.15 per player i.e. £12.60 per team per matc
Car park: £2.00 per car (with £1.00 refunded at Reception!)
NOTE! Also, if you would like to play in a team please contact their Match Secretary as some existing teams do require individuals to make up their squad size!
For more information about any aspect of the League, please contact the League's Sec, Jim Murray, by email using the light green Contact us tab in the Main Menu list to your upper left!